Monday, July 20, 2009


I'm about to leave for the Cape, which I have mixed feelings about, but I know it will all work out in the end. I'm bringing my camera, and I plan to take pictures of everything. I've been depressed lately, about how my life is, and I feel like I could use this escape, even if it's only for a day. My Dad and I sat and talked the other night, and it really put a lot of things into perspective, but these things are also really, really depressing. There's a lot that is going to start happening, very soon. I wish they wouldn't, but I guess in the end it will be for the best and hopefully everyone who isn't happy now, will be then. Ughhh I guess we will see.
And I plan on doing a lot of trips this summer, even though its halfway over. I'm going to Bangor next month, and following that, I'll be swinging up to Moosehead Lake for a few days with my Dad and his canoe.
I'm seeing the world, finally. I miss traveling.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I hope you have fun Krissy! And hope everything gets figured out..whatever it is that needs it.

So excited to see you this Friday love :) Let's hope we can get creative.
