Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All Done.

One day I know when I see you;
Far from these days that beat us,
Far from my habits perfect prison.

I'm sick of ignorance and arrogance. I feel like it follows me everywhere. I'm sick of trust, and the act of building it. My patience is wearing far too thin with each friendship that gets ruined because I've let myself get fucked over. I'm sick of being vulnerable, and I'm sick of realizing all the ways you manipulated me and wore me down.

Fuck all you people.

I'm strong, I'm smart, and I am certainly powerful. I've got the whole fucking world in my hands right now and I'm not about to put it down and give up because I've got some immature dramatic bullshit trying to tie a noose around my neck.

Trust me only as much as I can trust you.

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