I just bought this camera for $30 off Amazon.com. I'm so excited for it to ship! I've wanted a Polaroid Camera for so unbelievably long, and I'm excited to start taking polaroids. I also bought a 10 pack of 600 speed film for about $135, and I'm going to put a pack or two aside to mess around with expired film-taking whenever they expire. Yezzzzz.
I guess I shouldn't be left to my own disposal at 6 am. I end up buying things.
I also ended up buying a 91 Toyota Celica. I'm so excited! My friend Derek and I went up and test-drove it, and I ended up paying only $1,000 for it! The brakes need some work, the E brake doesn't work period, it has a leak in the air flow, and it needs a new clutch kit installed. It also needs a battery that I'm going to hopefully buy today for it. Tomorrow, I think I'm going to have the guy tow it to the garage up the street, and I'll have him do everything for me. It's a standard, which I'm so happy about. It already has a nice CD player in it, it has a sunroof, the interior is good, and it has about 173k miles on it. I love it. Hopefully it will be driveable by Thursday or Wednesday night?
Well, I need to shower and get ready for work now.
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