Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Christmas List:

This weekend has been an overall bust. Anyone I've made plans with this weekend has let them fall through, the concert was sold out last night, and when I decide to call people and try to hang out with them after not seeing them for a while, their phone is shut-off. I'm so frustrated.

By anyways, I've been doing a lot of online shopping/browsing to find things that I could possibly ask for. Here it goes (don't mind how ridiculous this is, I don't expect any of this from anyone, I just enjoy the feeling of want.)


Intimately Beckham (I have an un-Godly obsession with Vbecks.)

Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

Camera Shit:

Canon 70-300 mm Telephoto Zoom lens

Canon 14 mm Fisheye lens

Canon 90 mm tiltshift lens

Canon Battery Grip.(I've wanted one of these for a while, but I can never decide if its worth the money when I have that much money to spend)


- A new 02 sensor for my 91 Celica would be great, thanksssss! haha.
- A new gas tank as well.
- A giant hammer and sickle stick for my back window.
- A giftcard to H&M would probably be amazing since I live in that store.
- Books, Books, Books.
- Music. ANY KIND.
- A hug :)
- Polaroid film (600)
- fix my Polaroid flash
- A new tripod (this belongs in the camera section, but I couldn't find the tripod I want. I want one that goes all the way upside down. Like a 180-360 I think?)

Haha I don't even know. I guess I'll go to bed now.

1 comment:

Monica said...