Thursday, November 20, 2008

One Year.

It's been one year. One fucking year, and I was feeling so amazing about everything today. I didn't sleep, and I didn't care. It was on my mind, but I forced better thoughts into my head. I worked my first full shift since last week, and my body began to feel better. I went to the doctors and got blood tests. I got a new hair style and even colour and it looks so amazing.

I thought I deserved it all. I've been dying sick for a week, and now I'm finally better. I've battled some emotional battles, but I was standing today, okay. I thought I deserved a treat.

My Great Grandmother died. What a better way to mark this already amazing anniversary. Now, I have two things to think about each time this day rolls by. My family is in shambles, and I'm going away soon with them for the funeral in Maine.

& I'm stranded here. My car isnt working.

I can't stop crying.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Hey Krissy,

I'm so sorry to hear about that love :( Stay've got Ray to care for you, your family too, and me, with open arms, to be there for you if you need it. We will see each other soon, with or without our boys. :) Look forward to that because we always have fun.

Not everything's lost, remember.

I love you and will have you in my thoughts.
