Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I had a nice conversation with my father yesterday. He called me, confused as to whether I was angry with him or not. Of course, I'm not. We talked about if I was truely happy or not, which I really am. I think this move will really help me be closer with my family. While I lived there, all I did was make a mess and never be a part of anything. With moving out, I find I want to spend more time with them, and I also like the fact that I'm looked at as an adult now.

Ray and I went to my parent's house with the intention of leaving with all my big stuff, like my bed and bureau. Well, things never go as planned with us, but we did leave with my bed and without the screws to put it together. Derrr. We got home late and it was pouring, so we didn't want to put the bed together anyways. That will happen later tonight. We're going to go back up with a friend of ours so he can help move because I am extremely weak, I've learned.

I've taken over the second computer Ray has. I just finished moving all his music onto here, and making all my bookmarks. Hah. He doesn't want me destroying and filling his good computer with my massive photos. Fine by me.

I need to start moving things out of the den. I think it's kind of funny that I wont even get to sleep in my bed after we put it together tonight because I have truck. I'm really not looking forward to it, but oh well. Kyle and I are going to breakfast afterwards, and then I'm getting dropped off in Windham to sleep on a couch and spend time with my mom. I will post photos ASAP of our new living situation once everything is all set up :).

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