I'm feeling slightly mental. Today, I woke around 2 pm after going to bed at 9. I thought it would be a good idea to get some fresh air, and I fell asleep outside for about half an hour.
Then, I go to my boyfriend's, and we end up sleeping from 9 until almost midnight. I hate this sleeping pattern, although it's not really ruining anything right now. Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep a full night's sleep tonight.
I kind of enjoy this alternate lifestyle. I like that the earliest I need to get up for work is 7 am. That's nothing. I'd kill myself if I had to go back to the way I slept during the school year. Up at 5 am. Usually not even in bed till midnight or later. I like looking back on this school year and seeing all the highlighting points of my fucked-up self. After things happened in November, I started staying up till 2 or 3 am, and still managing to wake by 5 and function through school. Clearly, that is a sign of abnormality in me, and I know I couldn't do that now if I tried. It's funny what nerves do to you.
I have work tomorrow until 7:30. I plan to wake early hopefully after all this sleep and go to the gym. I'm anxious to get paid tomorrow and see the difference my raise makes. I need to lose more weight. I've very low right now, but I keep fluctuating. I hit 132 the other day which was nothing short of amazing for me, and I want to get below that. I really want to make it to 130 by the end of this weekend.
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